According to AFA-Nuts and Oil statistical Report (2021), Nationally the total hectarage under cashew nut production is 23,158 with a production of 9121metric tonnes of cashew nut produced annually. The area under cashew nut has increased by 2% from the year 2020 which was 22690 hectarage however there is a reduction in quantities produced which were 12668. Kilifi is the leading cashew nut producing county among the coastal counties with a total hectarage of 9595 as at 2021. Although there is an increase in hectarage from 9445 in 2020, the quantities produced annually have reduced from 4704 metric tonnes to 3387 metric tonnes. The decline in production was attributed to; rampant tree felling for supply of firewood for domestic and industrial use is a major threat to the existing tree population overshadowing the ongoing replanting initiatives, high incidences of pest and diseases, inadequate water for production(drought) as well as high labour cost for management of orchards. The increased acreage was as result of new planting in Kilifi as part of a tree revamping project. Most of the harvested produce was consumed domestically after cottage level processing while less than 20% of the processed kernel was exported (Nuts and Oil statistical Report (2021). SHEPBIZ project is being implemented in 5 sub counties i.e., Kilifi North, Kaloleni, Ganze, Malindi and Magarini with a key focus on intervention along the Input, Production and processing nodes. The project aims at promoting access to quality and improved planting materials, trainings of value chain actors and facilitators and linkage to financial institutions, promote water harvesting structures, promote mechanized production and processing. The key focus in the project is promotion of cottage industries where majority of the nuts are processed for better market entry. A value Chain platform was established through the program to coordinate value actors and their activities to promote the cashew nut value chain. It consists of value chain actors across all value chain nodes who elected interim committee members i.e., Chairperson, Vice chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice secretary, Organizing Secretary and 3 ex officio members.
SHEPBIZ project is being implemented in 5 sub counties i.e., Kilifi North, Kaloleni, Ganze, Malindi and Magarini with a key focus on intervention along the Input, Production and processing nodes.
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