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Welcome to Avocado Value Chain Platform

in Nakuru county,


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The value chain (VC) platform for avocado was established in Nakuru in 2022. The general meeting has been held every 6 months where all value chain actors related to avocado VC join and discuss challenges and necessary actions for developing better avocado VC in Nakuru.

The 4th general meeting was held on February 2nd, 2024. Nakuru county officers and other VC stakeholders including regulators, farmer representatives and financial institutions joined the meeting. It was confirmed that Kenyan government institutions have carried out production technique training and nursery certification during July- December 2023. The platform members made a plan that County government would distribute certified nurseries and disseminate water harvesting techniques in January- June 2024. Pieces of information about prevalent pest and diseases and countermeasures to them were also shared with participants in the meeting.