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Welcome to Cashew Nut Value Chain Platform

in Kilifi County,


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Cashew nut

Roasted Cashew Nut Products

Thursday, 7 December 2023

The information of our products are available here!

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Cashew nut

Started Online Sales on Jiji !

Monday, 22 April 2024

We have started selling value-added cashewnuts online on Jiji!

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In Kilifi County, SHEPBiz project is promoting Cashewnut value chain which was prioritized as critical value chain to improve the livelihood of Kilifi farmers. In the year 2022, the project in collaboration with the county government facilitated the formation of the Cashewnut value chain platform bringing together value chain actors from all the nodes.

To ensure the platform achieves its mandate, the platform meets twice a year to deliberate on the issues affecting the value chain and devise ways and strategies to move the chain forward. This year’s fifth VCP meeting was scheduled and held on 16th July 2024 at Kilifi Convention Centre in Kilifi. A total of 27 (18 Male, 9 Female) members attended the meeting representing all the nodes of the value chain.

Key agendas deliberated during the meeting among them were; reviewing of the planned activities during the 4th VCP meeting, planning of priority activities for the July- December 2024 period and getting update from the VCP officials on the progress made by the Value chain platform. Some of the reported achievements during the January- June 2024 period is; a total of 786,000 Cashewnut seedling were supplied to Kilifi farmers by the county government, national government and EFF. Training of 120 nursery operators was also done. A total of 15 ponds have been constructed in 5 wards to supply water for nursery establishment. Further, it was reported a processing incubation hub has been set up at Chome’s place and small processors have started using the facility.

The meeting further agreed on the activities to e implemented between July and December, 2024 drawn from the VCP action plan.

As a way forward, the meeting agreed processors will participate in the Mombasa International show to showcase their product and create market linkages.

We have started selling value-added cashewnuts online on !

Now you can order our value added cashew nuts online. Five flavours are available !

The value chain (VC) platform for cashew nut was established in Kilifi in 2022. The general meeting has been held every 6 months where all value chain actors related to cashew nut VC join and discuss challenges and necessary actions for developing better cashew VC in Kilifi.

County officers, processors, aggregators, and input suppliers participated in the meeting held on February 7th. The participants confirmed that an NGO, a private agricultural input company, and the county government provided opportunities to disseminate production technology for producers in July- December 2023. It was planned for January- June 2024 that a Kenyan government institution would train micro-processors on value addition of cashew nuts.

We put our heart and soul into making sure you enjoy our Kenya Kilifi Cashews. Find a wide selection of snacks that are full of flavour and nutritional benefits.

1. plain perfection

Taste the pure taste of plain cashews with no frills.

Sizes and prices 100 g: 250 Ksh -- 250 g: 650 Ksh -- 500 g: 1100 Ksh

2. simple salt

Simply salted cashew nuts. Lightly seasoned with sea salt, these crunchy, savoury snacks are satisfying.

Sizes and prices 100 g: 250 Ksh -- 250 g: 650 Ksh -- 500 g: 1100 Ksh

3. chilli charge

Chilli cashews are a must-have for spice lovers. They have a bold, spicy kick that makes them the perfect snack.

Sizes and prices 100 g: 250 Ksh -- 250 g: 650 Ksh -- 500 g: 1100 Ksh

4. heavenly honey

Enjoy the sweet embrace of Honey Cashews. Gently coated with golden honey, these cashews are the perfect balance of luxurious sweetness and crunchy texture.

Sizes and prices 100 g: 300 Ksh -- 250g: 700 Ksh -- 500g: 1200 Ksh

5. caramel crave

: Dive into the enchantment of caramelised cashews. Coated with a layer of caramel, these cashews are dreamy and unstoppable.

Sizes and prices 100 g: 300 Ksh -- 250 g: 700 Ksh -- 500 g: 1200 Ksh


We are always looking for new ways to entertain our customers. If you have a specific size that is not currently available, please let us know! We are always looking to expand our range to meet your preferences. Your feedback is valuable in helping us to serve you better.

On this table you will find a brief description of each product and the sizes available.

Product range

Fostering linkages and value addition

In the lush landscape of Kilifi, Kenya, the Kilifi County Cashew Nut Platform stands as a testament to collaboration and value addition in the cashew nut industry. Our platform is not just an association, but a dynamic network that activates and strengthens links between the various players in the cashew nut value chain, from producers and processors to retailers.

Our core objectives

At the heart of our platform is the development of a robust and sustainable value chain. We want to go beyond our traditional role of simply producing raw materials for large factories. Instead, we focus on improving the livelihoods of local farmers by adding value to the region's product - cashew nuts. This approach ensures that the benefits of our work and Kilifi's abundant cashew nuts are more equitably distributed and have an impact on the local economy.


We actively promote networking between farmers who grow cashew nuts and processors who process them. Linking these nodes ensures a smooth flow of quality raw materials, knowledge sharing and best practice. This collaboration extends to retailers, creating a cohesive chain that maximizes efficiency and market access.

Added value

Our cooperative is dedicated to improving the quality of cashew products. By processing the nuts locally, we add value to the cashew nuts here in Kilifi, creating premium products that stand out in the market. This not only increases profits for platform members, but also provides consumers with better quality products at reasonable prices.

Quality and training

Through continuous training and knowledge sharing in partnership with ATDC(Mtwapa) and NGOs (EFF: Empowering Farmers Foundation, etc.), we aim to ensure that all processes meet high quality standards.

Economic empowerment

Our approach is not just about profit. By adding value locally, we increase employment opportunities, support local farmers and make a significant contribution to the local economy.

Vision for the future

Looking to the future, we are committed to achieving certifications such as KEBS, opening doors to larger markets and ensuring that our products meet international standards. Our ultimate goal is to establish Kilifi as a hub for quality, value-added cashew products and gain national and international recognition.

Join us at the Kilifi County Cashew Nut Platform to not only process cashew nuts, but to create a network of growth, quality and community empowerment.

Kilifi County Cashew Nut Platform CBO - Networking for Quality and Prosperity