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in Homa Bay County,


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Business Development Services (BDS) Training for Groundnut Value Chain Actors (Homabay County)- 7 – 9 May, 2024 at Staridge Hotel-Homabay

Small Smallholder Empowerment and Agribusiness promotion (SHEP Biz) project is supporting and promoting groundnut value chain in Homabay County with particular emphasis on value addition (processing). At the start of the project, groundnut value chain analysis was done and together with stakeholders’ groundnut value chain action plan was developed to address the gaps identified. Among many gaps identified as factors hindering smooth growth of the value chain, lack of entrepreneurial skills among groundnut value chain actors stood out. This therefore informed the project to organize a three days training of groundnut processors, groundnut value chain platform officials, groundnut aggregators and agribusiness officers from the county on entrepreneurial skills.

The training objectives included; To enhance entrepreneurial skills of groundnut value chain actors, to improve leadership skills of group leaders in groundnut value chain, to enhance financial management skills of the groundnut value chain actors, to understand market environment for groundnut value chain and to provide platform for interaction and networking amongst groundnut value chain actors.

A total of 21 (8 male, 13 female) value chain actors and county agribusiness officers were trained on business development services (entrepreneurship). Trainers were drawn from Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (SHEP Biz), Kenya Institute of Business Training (KIBT) and Africa Agribusiness Academy (AAA).

The value chain (VC) platform for groundnuts was established in Homa Bay in 2022. The general meeting has been held every 6 months where all value chain actors related to groundnut VC join and discuss challenges and necessary actions for developing better groundnut VC in Homa Bay.

The 4th general meeting was held on February 13th, 2024. The meeting was attended by Homa Bay county officers and other VC stakeholders including lead farmers, non-governmental organizations (CARE Kenya, Africa Harvest, CGA, Practical Action, Justice and Mercy, EWABELT), processors, aggregators, governmental institutions (Department of trade, Cooperatives, ATDC), and researchers.

The platform members confirmed that the NGOs have worked on quality seed distribution and dissemination of production techniques in July- December 2023. An NGO plans to set an aggregation center, and a Kenyan government institution is to provide post-harvest training for farmers in January- June 2024.